Hello and welcome to the University of Reading.
Our congratulations on securing a place.
You have made it to our website so chances are you are looking for more information about mixed hockey. It is all contained here but if you are completely new to the University of Reading you may want to speak with someone face to face. You can do this in the first week at the "Welcome Fayre" on Thursday 3rd October in the centre of campus. You can also join the Mixed Hockey Freshers Facebook page just floow the link attached https://www.facebook.com/groups/ReadingMixedHockey2014/
Alternatively why not come and try out mixed hockey FREE! Simply come down to our training sessions on:
Wednesday 1st October 2014 5:30pm - 7:00pm
and Friday October 3rd 2014 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Within freshers week (the first week you come to the University) there is the "Welcome Fayre". This is a 11am - 5pm event on Thursday 25th of September where all the sports on campus parade their wares in and around the students union at the centre of the campus. This gives you a chance to speak with the elected committee of each club and some real members. Our stall will be in the big tent behind 3Sixty (the big club in the centre of campus. The image below show exactly where in the tent we will be.

We personally recommend that you also try out any club before you join and you are perfectly entitled to do so. Please feel free to pop down to our training sessions and try before you buy if you would like to. For more information on membership and training please view the respective sections on this site.
We are all a very friendly bunch so please come and have a chat with us. We love the club, this is why we devote our time to it and believe me we are more than happy to talk all about it. Please also join our Facebook group (you can find the link on the home page) where you can ask the committee and current members any questions. This is particularly useful if you happen to miss Freshers Fayre for some reason.
All sports clubs at the University do not officially start operating until the week after freshers week. So don't worry you have plenty of time to sort out your activities for the year.