The Committee
Mixed Hockey Committee // committee.rumixedhockey@gmail.com

What do the committee do?
The committee of Reading University mixed hockey club is made up entirely of students. They manage all aspects of the club from its strategic direction to its finances, social life and the hockey itself. They are democratically elected every year at the Annual General Meeting, typically at the end of the Spring term, by the other members of the club. The committee aims to ensure that all members of the club feel included and are enjoying themselves. If for any reason a member is not enjoying being a part of the club they are the first that want to hear about it. The committee currently contains six roles, president, secretary, treasurer, captain, vice-captain and social secretary. The roles and the members that currently fill them are all described below. All roles are open to both male and female members of the club. There can also be two social secretaries (as there are this year), a male and a female member.
President: Mike Innes / / president.rumixedhockey@gmail.com
The president is the figure head of the club. The buck stops with them. As President they organise the rest of the committee and ensure they are performing their defined roles properly. It is their job to steer the club in the right direction. They are also the first point of contact should you not know who to contact in the club.
This year I hope to expand on the successes of the club from last year. I would like to further the reputation of our club by utilizing our new website and by attempting to create a BUCS mixed hockey league so we are able to win points for the university. I also aim to work closely with the treasurer of the club to attempt to establish some sponsorship/funding so that we can bring discounts for hockey equipment and kit to our members. Most importantly I look forward to working with the rest of our committee to generally improve the hockey played and organise some great social events that both past, current and future members can enjoy.

Secretary: Will Cooledge / secretary.rumixedhockey@gmail.com

The secretary helps with the everyday running of the club helping other committee members with their duties. As well as being a point of contact for the club. Duties include pitch bookings and mini bus hire, they are meant to be the general busy body of the club keeping everyone both in the committee and the club up to date with any events or changes.
Hello, I'm Will I have been with mixed hockey for 2 years going in to my 3rd and 2nd on committee. I have been playing since I was 7 (so for quite a while), I have been captain of my school mixed hockey team and I have played for Suffolk and for Bury St Edmunds HC. So hope to use this experience to help the club continue to improve and continue to be the club that I love.
I am meant to be everyones point of call if people have questions about the club or club business I'm your man. If I don't know the answer on feel its appropriate I will put you in contact with another member of the committee. I want to use my experience to help new comers and the more expereinced players get involved in the club making the most of their tiime at university.
Treasurer: Ollie Bensted-Smith / treasurer.rumixedhockey@gmail.com
The treasurer deals with the money side of the club. This includes collecting money for membership, kit and socials and paying it in to the club account to make sure we have enough for transport/pitch hire and other club expenditure. They may also work to try and get money via sponsorship as well as getting involved in ordering kit etc. The treasurer also has the job of setting down a budget for the year ahead.
I am Ollie, the treasurer for the Reading University Mixed Hockey club for the 2014/2015 season. Mixed Hockey has been my favourite part of university life, with some fantastic memories on the pitch, but mostly off it! I try not to take the hockey too seriously, but have enjoyed playing the game since I was 7.
I will predominantly be involved in managing the club’s money, ensuring it is spent in the right places. We have secured a larger than expected grant from RUSU, so I shall endeavour to see that this is spent as wisely as possible throughout the year. I will be looking to get the best deals possible from our kit suppliers, with decent quality clothing with affordable student prices! I also hope to help out with the social side of the club, as that is where a lot of the fun is!

Captain & Vice Captain: Ellie Chapman & Alana Deacon / / captain.rumixedhockey@gmail.com
The two captains are responsible for all things hockey. This means running training sessions, organising teams for matches and tournaments and checking the venues for away matches. Their knowledge of hockey must be good.
Hey Everyone! I'm Ellie and I am the Captain of the University's mixed hockey side for the 2014/15 season. I've been playing hockey since I was 7 and captained my school 1st XI team. Our club isn't about being at the top of the league although we do take training seriously and have some extremely talented players however we do like to think of ourselves as a diverse club as we cater for every ability; even those who've never picked up a stick! If you've never played in a mixed team before, neither had I until I came to Reading but it's the best decision I've ever made! Mixed Hockey has become my family and it's the best place to meet people with a common interest in hockey and the occasional pint! Please contact me if you have any questions whatsoever and I hope to see you down on the astro some time

Hi my names Alana, Hockey has been a big part of my life for 8 years. I started in primary school and ended up captaining the 1st XI team in secondary school. Being captain has taught me many important lessons that I can implement during training and matches. During my gap year I coached an U13 boys’ team, which has allowed me to view hockey from a different perspective and will allow me to offer other insights. As vice captain, what I want to focus on this year is support and encouragement. Encouragement is a vital aspect of a vice-captain’s role and I will make sure everyone is encouraged to improve his or her skills. Therefore I want to build on current members skills and help those new to hockey to not only feel welcomed but to allow them to be able to play a hockey match after a few months of being with us.

Social Secretaries: Tors Jones & Jimmy Friend / / socialsec.rumixedhockey@gmail.com
The social secretaries organise nights out for the club. Socials could be day trips, tours, or other non hockey events with the club. They will organise big events such as the Christmas formal, securing venues and getting the best deals. While all committee members are approachable the social secretaries are the friendliest faces of them all!
We are Jimmy and Tors, and the new social secretaries for Mixed Hockey. Not only are we incredibly friendly, so you can come and talk to us about anything, but we are also there to make sure that the atmosphere in the club makes Reading feel like a home from home. Our job is to help Mixed Hockey to stay as it has always been - one big, happy, slightly dysfunctional, a little bit crazy, family. MH is mostly about having a good time, so while we remain a ‘hockey club’ it is important to remember that our most valuable time is that spent in Park Bar in the evenings after training sessions. Where our hockey skills are lacking, will be make up for in ensuring that next year's socials are truly spectacular.